Natural Way to Increase Brain Capacity for Weak or Loss of Memory

There are over-the-counter supplements available in the market to improve brain health but it is always better to go the natural way to increase brain capacity. It is safe and free from side effects.

A healthy lifestyle ensures a healthy brain. It helps the brain to grow new neurons, a process known as neuroplasticity. The best way to increase brain memory is to exercise it and challenge it. Combined with proper diet and sufficient sleep, brain exercises are a good way to sharpen your brain. The following points tell you how to increase weak memory.

Increase Brain Capacity
• Eat a healthy diet. Include lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid sugar and sugary drinks. Eat foods rich in antioxidants like walnuts, broccoli and cauliflower. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also highly beneficial.

• Invest in a daily exercise regime. Exercising stimulates nerve cells and optimises brain function.

• Avoid multitasking, which tends to slow you down and makes you more prone to errors.

• Sleep well. A good night’s sleep is very essential for proper functioning of the brain. Lack of sleep slows down the brain’s growth.

• Playing games which challenge your mind are a good exercise for the brain. Brain games stimulate nerve cells and optimize brain development.

• Learn a new skill, like a new language or a musical instrument.

• Try memorising things through acronyms, rhymes, visualization or by breaking the information into smaller chunks.

One of the most natural ways to increase brain capacity is to use herbal memory loss treatment.

The following herbs are helpful in strengthening brain functions.

• Basil
• Lemon Verbena Tea
• Gotu Kola
• Ginseng
• Rosemary
• Gingko Biloba
• Vacha
• Ashwagandha
• RhodiolaRosea
• Huperzine-A
• Sage
• Green Tea
• Periwinkle
• Blueberries

Here are some pointers on how to increase weak memory:

• Focus. Do not store too much in your head.

• Follow a routine. Do common jobs in the same order each time.

• Use calendars and clocks.

• Write notes or maintain lists to remind you of the tasks.

• Maintain a daily planner and keep it in a place you can easily see it.

• Avoid stress. Anxiety can adversely affect your memory. Review your medications with the doctor. Some medicines can interfere with your mental health.

Brahmpushpi capsules are another, highly recommended, natural way to increase brain capacity. It comprises of herbs such as Brahmadandi, Chandibhasma, Jyotishmati, Gorakhmundi, Kachnar, Gurhal, Shatavari, Shankhpushpi, Brahmi, Salabmisri, Ustekhadus, Buch, Asalo, Jatamansi, Gold Bhasma and Unab.

Its key functions are:

• It sharpens the memory and improves brain function.

• It cures memory loss, forgetfulness, poor concentration and dementia.

• It treats mood swings, nervousness, mental fatigue and anxiety.

• It enhances neurotransmission.

• It improve memory and concentration.

• It protects the brain from effects of aging, smoking, alcohol, diseases and medications.

• It cures Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

• It improves ones intellect.
